Vitafilm Cleaning Basics

Rewind Method

Fold cloth or sponge as shown below.

Open bottle and place applicator firmly on top of spout.

While holding applicator firmly against spout, turn container upside down allowing VITAFILMĀ® to soak in.

Wrap applicator around both sides of film.

Remoisten applicator as needed while slowly winding film onto empty reel.

Film may be stored immediately on plastic reels after being given a light application of VITAFILMĀ® by the rewind method. This keeps the film pliable and slows image fading. Note: Film will still be damp which is normal. VITAFILMĀ® does not evaporate as fast as other products. Rather, it penetrates deep into the film. This continuously lubricates the film and eliminates static. A little goes a long way.

  • 1 Quart Can of Vitafilm